
BCC Chapter 4: Careful What You Wish For

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When Basil opened his eyes, he realized that he was back in his room at Baker Street. When he looked around to see where the ringing was coming from, he spotted his alarm clock. He reached over and stopped the ringing, before noticing it was three in the morning. “So much for getting any sleep like I promised Dawson.” He sighed and started to lay back down when he suddenly remembered there were supposed to be three ghosts visiting him. Basil trudged downstairs and found the book on his chair where the last spirit had left it. He glanced at the part about the third ghost and became rather worried. He dropped the book and ran to his science table to try and find his revolver. “No Grim Reaper is getting the best of me tonight.”

As he continued to look for his revolver, Basil realized there was a soft glow coming from behind him. He froze for a moment before a soft voice spoke to him. “There is no need to find your revolver Basil,” Basil jumped and spun around to face the third ghost. “I'm the Ghost of Christmas Future,” she smiled, as she curtsied and introduced herself, “and I'm here to help you like the last two mice.”  

This ghost didn't look like the one in the book at all. The spirit standing in front of him was a woman, and a beautiful one at that. She was a tall mouse with pale cream colored fur, not as white as Miss Kitty's, the singer who performed “Let Me Be Good To You” at the pub, but not as dark as Basil's. She was dressed in a sparkling white gown that almost reached the floor, like the dresses worn by royalty. It was covered in beautiful golden embroidery that looked a lot like vines and leaves, and had small red poinsettias scattered over it. The narrow sleeves reached her wrists, and ended in a small cuff that had a poinsettia on it. Her shoes were the same color as her dress, around her neck was a golden poinsettia-shaped locket, and by her ear was a beautiful dark red poinsettia, much like the bow Olivia liked to wear.

Basil still felt a little uneasy, and stayed where he was. The woman sighed and explained. “So many take the third spirit's visit so literally. As you can see, I'm not the Grim Reaper, nor am I going to show you a headstone with your name on it.” She then clasped her hand around her locket, and a bunch of circular “windows” appeared around her. Basil was intrigued by the unexpected sight, and relaxed a little. “The future is never set in stone,” the woman explained, “these windows show some of the many possibilities for what the future holds or could hold.” She then waved her hand and all but one window vanished. “This one will show you how the world could have looked if you had turned your back on detective work years ago, instead of pursuing it.” Basil took a few steps closer trying to get a better look at what was going on through the window. “Mind you,” the spirit warned, “these are only shadows of what if, not what the future will actually be. However, what you are about to see could happen in a similar way, if you turn a cold shoulder to those who have come to count on you.” Before Basil had a chance to respond, he was swept through the window and into the future.

When Basil opened his eyes, he found himself back on the streets, only something was wrong. The city was dark and cold, there were boarded up and crumbling buildings as far as the eye could see, and very few joyful faces could be seen. Everywhere he turned, all Basil could see was devastation and sadness. “Spirit, are we still in London? What happened here?”

The woman came and stood next to Basil. “This is London four years after Ratigan's attack on Queen Mousetoria. After she was killed, he took over the monarchy, and rules London with an iron fist.” She walked on, and Basil hurried to keep up with her. “The city has fallen to a state of crime and chaos. Everyone takes what they want and need to live, and there is no order aside from King Ratigan's tyrannical laws.”

For once in his life, Basil was speechless. He could hardly believe the city had fallen into such a state so quickly, and that no one had even tried to stop Ratigan. The two continued on their way, until a familiar voice caught Basil's attention.

“Stop thief!”

“Ha! You couldn't stop that rat when my father was kidnapped, you didn't even try.”

“Olivia?” Basil ran over to an ally and was shocked to see the once kind and sweet girl staring down Ratigan's police force.

“What makes you think you can stop me? I don't have to listen to you, or do what that sewer rat says.”

Basil could hardly believe what he was hearing, or seeing for that matter. The Olivia he knew was a polite eight-year-old girl who always followed the rules (or at least tried to), and who never left home without looking her best. This girl was a rude twelve-year-old who had no respect for anyone, had scruffy looking fur, and was dressed in torn and dirty black clothes that had clearly seen better days.

“Unless you want to meet the King's pet you'll come quietly.”

“Fat chance of that. That rat killed my father, and I have no interest in going with anyone anywhere. I can take care of myself.” She grabbed a handful of fruit and took off down the ally with her bag of King Ratigan's treasures. As she pushed other mice out of her way and kept running, the police tried to pursue her, but were blocked by the debris.

“Olivia...” Basil felt his heart breaking after hearing that her father had been killed by that rat, and after seeing what had happened to her. He wanted nothing more than to run to her and comfort her, but the woman held him back. “Remember Basil, these are only images of what could have been, and what could still be. Like your other journeys, you cannot interact with what you see, nor can they see, hear, or interact with you.” Knowing the spirit was right, Basil gave a discouraged sigh, and continued following her.  

After walking for another ten minutes or so, Basil got the courage to ask the spirit something that was bothering him. “Spirit, what has become of Dawson...and of me? I know Olivia's fate but...” The woman stopped him before he could finish and pointed to the opposite side of the pavement. On the corner stood Dr. Dawson and Mrs. Judson. Both of them had seen better days, and looked very dreary, not at all like the mice he knew.

“Thank you again Doctor Dawson, I don't know how I'd survive in this place without you.”

“It was nothing Mam, but I'm afraid I'm leaving on Friday.”


“Yes, I'm afraid so. I just don't have the energy I use to, and cannot help the way I once could. I'm going to continue my practice, just in another country where I can catch my second wind.”

“But what will become of us here? I mean without a doctor that doesn't work  for that tyrant...”

“Now, now, don't trouble yourself. A young doctor fresh out of medical school has been in contact with me for the past month. He heard of the trouble here and wanted to come and help. He'll be arriving tomorrow, and I'll be able to bring him up to speed on everything he needs to know before I leave.”

Mrs. Judson gave a sight of relief, though she was still sad to see the good doctor go. “Bless you Dawson, you have always been there for so many of us. It's nice to know that even now you have the citizens' interests in mind.”

Dawson smiled at the compliment. “Of course. I could never leave the city if I didn't have someone I could trust to take care of it for me.” He paused as he looked over the city and felt tears forming in his eyes. “And perhaps one day I will return to London. After that tyrant has finally been removed, I'm sure my services will be needed to help everyone get back on their feet.”

“Yes I'm sure they will, especially if they have run into the kind of hard times that poor girl has had.” As she said that, Olivia ran past with Ratigan's police force right behind her.

“Ah yes, I remember my first encounter with Olivia well. She was a much happier girl back then.”

“Indeed she was, so full of hope and determination. I saw her on the streets from my shop window looking for her father, and trying to get anyone she could to help her stop Ratigan. But now...” Dawson nodded sadly, he had watched her change over the years, and saw everything that happened to her. He had tried to help her once, but now he couldn't even get close enough to try and help her again, every time he tried she pulled away as if he were one of Ratigan's thugs.

“Well, good luck with your practice Dr. Dawson, you'll be missed.”

“Thank you Mrs. Judson, and the feeling is mutual.”

The two parted ways and returned to their work. Basil in the meantime had moved across the pavement over to his friend, and again wished he could reach out to him. Knowing he couldn't do anything, he watched Dawson walk away before turning back to the spirit. He hardly knew what to say or even how to react. Dawson was always so caring and humble, and he never turned anyone down who needed his help. The spirit felt sympathy for Basil, but even she couldn't change what the future could hold.

As they turned down another ally, the palace could be seen in the distance. Basil wasn't sure he wanted to see King Ratigan just then. After all, he had seen him try to take over the kingdom before finally bringing him down with help from Dawson and the Flavershams. The spirit pushed on, though she slowed down a bit so Basil could steady himself. She could tell he was feeling overwhelmed from everything he had seen, but there was still more for him to see and learn before the night ended. “As I promised, I will not be showing you a headstone with your name on it. Actually, you are alive and well in Paris.” Basil was surprised to hear he had left London. While he thought of traveling at some point, he had always found London to be home. “You began your scientific studies here, just as your father did, and even began your career teaching at the same university he worked at. Shortly after that, and before Ratigan's rise to power, you received an invitation from a prestigious university in Paris to come and teach. You accepted after your father convinced you it was an opportunity you couldn't turn down, and are now not only the head of the science department there, but also a famous researcher with many published journals.”

Basil was surprised, but also pleased that he was doing well in life. But when the spirit saw the small smile on his face she continued.

“Don't think this makes everything better. After you left London, your parents followed you, and none of you looked back. Every client you would have helped was forced to seek assistance elsewhere, and not everyone was as eager to help them as you were. Many of the ones saved by your detective work are now gone, crimes went unsolved, mice were hurt...even the poor woman who lost her ring hit a rough spot. Yes she eventually got it back from the thief, but her fiance had already left her. He thought she didn't love him as she said she did since she had lost the ring he spent all he had on. She is still alive, but she's a very unhappy and bitter woman who is afraid to trust anyone for fear they might also break her heart. You saw what happened to Olivia, and how different her life is in this future time compared to what it currently is back in the present...”

Basil felt a pang of guilt hit him after hearing that. He had never really thought about how much his work impacted the city, let alone those around him. He had always looked at what he did as simple work and nothing more.

Soon the palace stood before Basil and the spirit, but it was hardly the palace he remembered. This one was darker and more menacing in appearance. The guards outside were dressed in dark uniforms, and carried large guns loaded and ready to defend their king. As the woman proceeded inside, Basil tried to hold back, but found himself being drawn into the palace anyway. When they entered, Basil could hear moans coming from the dungeons below, the odor was bad enough to make anyone sick, and the atmosphere reminded Basil of a cemetery. When they entered the throne room, it was easy to see Ratigan had redecorated it to match the exterior of the palace, and his personality. It was dark and dreary, on the walls were laws and portraits of Ratigan, in the middle was the champagne fountain from his club, and on the side of his throne was a small table with his infamous bell. Ratigan sat there looking as evil as ever, with his loyal bat Fidget at his side. Suddenly, Basil felt his heart skip a beat, as he stared in shock at Ratigan's audience. Standing before that sewer rat were his childhood friends he had seen on his journey through the past. Their appearance was tired and dreary, their fur was a mess and missing in some places, and their clothes were just as tattered and dirty as Olivia's had been. Still, Basil could tell by the looks on their faces, they weren't there for just some crime.

“Ah the annoying do-gooders of London. What an unpleasant surprise.” The group glared at him, looking as if they were ready to launch an attack. “Fidget, would you remind me what crimes they are being charged with?”

“Uh...hang on, hang on,” Fidget sifted through the pile of papers in his hands until he found the ones Ratigan was waiting for. “I got em, I got em. Here King Ratigan!”

“Thank you Fidget.” Ratigan smiled at his audience before proceeding to read the claims that had been sent in (no doubt by his police force or guards who were always looking for ways to make everyone more miserable than they already were). “Trying to rally my subjects against me, resisting my laws and law enforcement, and generally being too good for your own good.” Ratigan handed the papers back to Fidget and rubbed his hands together in his usual sinister way. He lost his smile and stood up to address the group. “Fools! Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out about your pathetic attempts to attack me? As your ruler I...”

Isabel couldn't stand it any longer. “Your not our ruler you sewer rat! You were always making trouble, and we're not gonna take it anymore!”

Ratigan was furious after hearing that name thrown at him. “Why you little...Throw them all in the dungeon! We'll see if a month down there teaches them some respect.” With that, the group was lead away, and Ratigan sat back down. Fidget quickly ran over to the fountain and got Ratigan a large glass of champagne. “Thank you Fidget, at least I know I have one loyal subject.” Ratigan took the glass and calmed himself back down. Fidget bowed glad to be on Ratigan's good side.“Sure thing boss, uh King Ratigan.” Basil hung his head as he watched his friends being led away. They had only tried to help stop Ratigan's rise to power from getting even more out of control, just like he had done for a good part of his career.

The spirit put her hand on her locket and the palace suddenly vanished. Basil found himself once again outside on the cold snowy sidewalk. The wind was beginning to pick up, and he knew the journey was almost over. There was one question burning inside him still, and he knew it was either now or never to ask it. “Not to sound like Scrooge spirit, but is there any hope of preventing anything like this from happening?” Basil was very shaken by everything he had seen in this future what if world, and just wanted to be back home.

The spirit kept hold of her locket, and soon more windows appeared around the two of them. As Basil looked around, he saw warm and happy images of the ones he cared so much about. Olivia playing with her friends in the park, Dawson hard at work with his patients and the children at the hospital, him with his friends enjoying tea and Mrs. Judson's cheese crumpets while catching up on lost time. There were images of his clients enjoying life and just grateful to still be alive and surrounded by the ones they loved.  

“Anyone can change their future Basil, all you have to do is change your perspective. You think London would be better off without you simply because you haven't been able to solve a large case since you stopped Ratigan. If you stop trying to outdo your past successes, and simply treat each case like every other you have worked on, you will find success will eventually find you. Stop trying to push everyone away from you, and acting like Ratigan. You are so focused on your own failures, that you miss the real successes in your life. Your friends who love being with you, and your clients who couldn't be more grateful for the effort you make trying to help them are the real victories, and are things that can never be replaced. Look at what has made your life so meaningful over the years and you will find your answers.

Before Basil had time to respond, the woman gripped her locket tighter, causing the windows to fade and the wind to pick up even more. Soon Basil found himself surrounded by wind and snow, and before the gusts forced him to close his eyes, Basil saw the spirit's locket open, and gold dust fly out of it. He was soon completely surrounded by the wind, snow, and gold dust, and he had to wrap his arms around himself to try and stay warm. As he felt his feet leave the ground, all the images he had seen that night flooded his mind. Everything from the past, present, and future was hitting him like snowballs, and everything he had heard rang in his ears. The wind became even stronger, and the chill shot through his body like the frigid water from the past as he was carried through the air like a kite, and tossed about like a child's toy...

Well it looks like the future isn't what it's cracked up to be...I actually had a hard time writing this wasn't easy to work out what I wanted to happen and how I wanted to say it...still I like how it turned out

So for the spirit I thought I'd go a rout I saw done in a Barbie movie where all three spirits were girls rather than boys and the last one wasn't dark and spooky like most renditions (again most not all)...again I hope I didn't bore you with details...and I tried to still add a little humor to keep it upbeat...also I brought back Basil's classmates and decided Isabel would be the best one to speak up to Ratigan since the past still happened...say for Basil becoming a detective...which means Ratigan still tried to get her in trouble (Ch 2)...I also tried to keep the personalities true to the movie (at least in terms of Ratigan's evil nature and Fidget being slow and bumbling)

Now I know Goth isn't a bad thing...and I didn't want to go down that rout completely (especially since there are some Goth characters in shows and probably even some movies I like)...but I wanted to paint an image of an Olivia turned criminal who looked out for herself and nobody else...basically becoming a female Ratigan after losing her father and nobody helping her or trying to help her....also with Basil having not become a detective the movie pretty much never happened...this is how the future can be the future...I added a couple twists like Mrs. Judson having a little shop of her own but basically tried to imagine what everything would look like and be if Ratigan won in the fight against the queen...Ratigan obviously got away with his takeover...nobody stopped him...and even if he had gotten hold of Olivia...she could have escaped and he could have killed her father either for that or for the typical no longer in need of your services reason...either way with no Basil to stop him Ratigan could rise to power easily and uninterrupted

Like Ratigan's name I got the white mouse singer's name online...I had wanted to mention her somehow since her song was one I liked and her voice actress is on one of the extras on the DVD....I thought it worked for the comparison to again help paint a visual...that and she probably did just fine after Ratigan's rise to power since she worked in that pub lol

Again let me know if there are any spelling or grammar issues...and don't hesitate to comment :)

Inspirations are the same as chapter 1 (repetitive I know but these three chapters were basically my ideas mixed with the movie and book)

The Great Mouse Detective - A Christmas Carol by doraemonbasil A Beautiful cover of my characters - Thank You :icondoraemonbasil:


Basil's Christmas Carol Chapter 1: Humbug!Author's Note: (relax this is the only chapter it will be on the top) This is my first fan fic...and could be my last for a while...back in December I saw :iconRomanceFreak:'s take on the classic story A Christmas Carol with some of the characters from The Great Mouse Detective and I thought I'd give it a try...My spelling and grammar might be a little off since I've never written something like this please let me know if you see any mistakes
The original story is © Charles Dickens
The GMD characters are © Disney
The stories and concepts the movie was based on are © Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The idea and inspirations I used in this fic belong to the users who uploaded them and will be given credit in the description (and yes I got permission where I needed to)
The designs of the three spirits belong to me - Thank You :icondoraemonbasil: for the cover :D
Links to the other chapters are in the description
I hope you enjoy my Christmas in July story :)

  BCC Chapter 2: Remember Who You Are“Basil? Basil?” Basil thought he was dreaming when he heard a small voice calling his name. “Wake up Basil!” Basil jumped and found he wasn't dreaming after all.
When he looked around he saw a small boy standing by Dawson's chair. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, still feeling a little tired, before asking. “Who are you, and how in the world did you get in here?” The young boy laughed and introduced himself. “I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past, and I found my own way in.” The boy winked at Basil before bursting into laughter again.
By now Basil was wide awake and was able to take a good look at this young intruder. The boy was Olivia's age, and reminded Basil of her with his energy and childish nature. His fur was a golden-brown color and appeared to glow in the firelight. He wore a cream colored shirt, a red and gold plaid vest with gold buttons, black pants, black shoes so shiny Basil could see the reflection of the moonbeams shining through

BCC Chapter 3: The People You've TouchedBasil held his breath as long as he could, but when he felt as if his lungs were going to burst he opened his mouth to try and get some air. To his surprise he could breath normally, and his mouth didn't fill with water. When he opened his eyes he found himself back in his home on Baker Street, laying on the floor with the book on the ground in front of him. The fire had gone out and the cold air was making him shiver as much as the water had, but surprisingly his clothes were dry. He went over to the fireplace to try and restart the fire, but found the flame just wouldn't start. A little frustrated that Mrs. Judson had taken everything that didn't have anything to do with the holidays down, (except for Basil's awards and photographs) he went upstairs to find a match. While he was looking around in the dark he suddenly heard someone laughing back downstairs. As he went to investigate he found the room was full of light and warmth. When the source of the voice spotted Basil on the stair BCC Chapter 5: A Meaningful LifeWhen Basil finally opened his eyes, he found himself back in his room at Baker Street. The window had flown open, and the room was so cold he thought he was still in that gust of wind, snow, and gold dust. Basil ran over and closed the window, before tightening his robe. He rubbed his eyes feeling more tired than when he dozed off while reading the night before. It suddenly dawned on him that it was morning...but was it Christmas morning? He rushed to the stairs just in time to hear his friend come in.
“Good morning Dr. Dawson, and merry Christmas.” Mrs. Judson was always the first one up on Christmas morning.
“Good morning and merry Christmas to you too Mrs. Judson.”
Basil sighed with relief as he realized he hadn't missed a thing, say for a few hours of sleep, and trudged down the stairs. Though he still looked rather tired, he smiled and greeted his friend.
“Merry Christmas Dawson, I thought you'd have gotten back sooner.”
Dawson laughed as he hun

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